What procedures are considered orthodontic?

The most common orthodontic procedures: lingual braces. Lingual braces are similar to traditional braces in that they adhere to the teeth and work to correct misalignment.


is the treatment of misaligned teeth and jaws. This includes overbites and underbites, crooked or crowded teeth, or teeth with too much space between them.

An orthodontist specializes in performing these treatments and will use special devices, such as braces and retainers, to fix these problems. The most common orthodontic treatment is traditional metal braces. In this treatment, the brackets are attached to the teeth and connected with a cable. Braces put pressure on the teeth to move them to the proper position in the patient's mouth.

Another orthodontic treatment option is lingual braces, or braces that go behind the teeth instead of in front of the teeth. This procedure still uses brackets and wires, but instead they are placed on the back of the teeth. Lingual braces are common in adult orthodontics, but depending on your unique oral needs, they may not be the best treatment option. Talk to your orthodontist about whether lingual braces will work for you.

Once your metal straps are removed, you'll need to wear a retainer for a certain period of time. Retainers help keep teeth newly aligned so they don't move again. You'll use a removable retainer or a fixed metal retainer that permanently attaches to the back of your teeth. The orthodontist may need to adjust the retainers over time, but they generally require less maintenance than braces.

Over time, your orthodontist may decide that you only need to wear your retainer at night instead of all the time. Then, between ages 4 and 10, any growth problems can be monitored and treated as needed. If growth has corrected during the first few years, it may reduce the chance that your child will need braces or Invisalign. After age 10, if additional corrections are needed, a short cycle of clear aligners (such as Invisalign Express, designed for small and small movements) can be used.

In orthodontics, this process is called phase 1 and phase 2 treatment. This type of early orthodontic intervention is key to the most effective treatment plans. The longer a child waits before their orthodontic problems are corrected, the more difficult (and expensive) the process will be. However, to help describe what you need to know about braces (including how to know which type is right for you), I've created a video.

For malocclusion (improper bite) where the teeth are out of their correct position, clear aligners are often an excellent option. This removable brace is a modern solution to the problems of traditional braces (which I'll talk about later). But how does a clear aligner move your teeth? For some bite corrections, direct-to-consumer aligners are perfectly suitable (as long as you've consulted with your dentist to make sure you don't have cavities, gum disease, or other oral problems). Interproximal reduction (IPR) is the process by which the dentist can create space between teeth.

If you need IPR, a cycle of homemade clear aligners is likely to leave your teeth without the proper amount of space to move as needed. Standard palatine expanders look similar to Hawley retainers, while expanders for “rapid maxillary expansion” are stronger (see image above) and are fixed devices. After a certain growth point, the expander must be surgically placed inside the mouth. This is called “surgically assisted rapid palatal expansion” (SARPE).

As you can imagine, this type of treatment isn't much fun for the patient, which is why it's so important to support palate growth early in life (already in pregnancy). I encourage patients considering becoming pregnant or with very young children to ensure that the child gets enough vitamin K2, which is necessary for proper jaw and palate growth. With or without braces, orthodontic arches (or “arches”) are made in the shape of a dental arch and help correct the position of the teeth. If your toddler has trouble pushing his tongue or sucking his finger, it's important to intervene to prevent orthodontic problems.

Thumb sucking causes the palate and teeth to grow improperly (something like drinking from sippy cups). You can get a TRD that isn't personalized (like this one), but both night protectors and MADs must be tailored to your dentist or orthodontist. Many people feel more confident choosing a dentist who is a member of the American Association of Orthodontists (AAO). This organization has more than 19,000 members of licensed orthodontists in the United States, committed to a very high level of orthodontic care.

In 1901, the first orthodontic school was founded after decades of experimental treatments. The term “orthodontics” was used to describe this practice for many years. Price's revolutionary research, while flawed in many ways, was an excellent picture of the modern need for orthodontics that wasn't needed in the past. In short, the foods that were easier to produce and that lasted the longest on the shelves were also foods that lacked vital nutrients, such as vitamin K2 (which he called “Activator X”).

Treatments vary in the amount of time needed to be effective, but most orthodontic treatments take 1 to 5 years to complete. The factors that influence this are the levels of treatment required, the patient's age and the preferred method. Everyone is different when it comes to oral care, so there are different types of orthodontic procedures. The orthodontist may use any of the orthodontic procedures and the fixed or removable devices listed below during treatment.

Problems such as gum disease, tooth decay and tooth breakage can be prevented with orthodontic procedures. Orthodontic procedures are dental treatments that help straighten misaligned teeth, correct bad bites, and give you a beautiful smile. From treating pain to improving the ability to chew and bite, orthodontic treatment helps prevent serious dental procedures in the future. Orthodontic procedures align teeth, improve their bite, and use a fixed or removable appliance to do so.

Make an appointment with us at KC Dental for orthodontic procedures that treat all types of malocclusion. There are several types of orthodontic procedures to restore the function and appearance of the teeth. With fixed devices, such as braces, consider avoiding foods that can easily get stuck between your teeth, such as popcorn, corn cobs, hard foods, candy, or chewing gum. Before opting for metal braces instead of aligners to save money, consider the powerful impact of braces.

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