What is the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist?

A dentist is a doctor who is trained to specialize in teeth, gums, nerves, and jaw. Orthodontists are also dentists, but their specialty in dentistry focuses on correcting bites, occlusion, which is the way in which teeth come into contact with each other, and the rectitude of the teeth. To understand the fundamental difference between dental care and orthodontics, you should know that not all dentists are orthodontists, but all orthodontists are dentists. General dentists are highly qualified professionals who care about the overall health, well-being, and beauty of your smile.

Orthodontists are dentists who have received additional education to specialize in diagnosing, preventing, and correcting teeth and jaws that are out of position. We can book you an appointment with an experienced orthodontist, who will evaluate your mouth and provide solutions to your problem. In Texas, a certified orthodontist cannot treat patients for fillings, crowns, or other general dental procedures. Dentists and orthodontists often work closely together to develop an effective treatment plan that takes into account your total oral health.

About OAO The Ontario Association of Orthodontists is the official voice of Ontario orthodontists to organized dental associations, recognized educational institutions, professional licensing bodies, the public and the government. Just as you would choose a surgeon to provide you with the surgical procedure you need and not a general practitioner, you would choose an orthodontist to provide you with the orthodontic treatment you need. Many people don't know the difference between an orthodontist and a dentist because, after all, these two oral health professionals help patients improve their smiles. Both dentists and orthodontists provide beneficial services that improve the health and beauty of smiles.

An orthodontist takes care of this and performs all the checks to make sure that the braces stay tight and work properly. We hope this article has helped you understand the main differences and similarities between orthodontists and dentists. With that in mind, you may need to see an orthodontist if you have a problem that is causing you mental distress. By exploring the differences between a dentist and an orthodontist, you'll discover that many of these services complement the others.

Once dental school ends and undergoes 2 or 3 years of advanced training from an ADA-recognized school, the dentist is designated an orthodontic specialist or orthodontist. González is board certified and is a member of the College of Diplomates of the American Board of Orthodontics (less than 10% of all orthodontists are board certified). This is an easy way to distinguish between an orthodontist with advanced training and a general dentist.

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