Types of interceptive orthodontics Expansion of the upper jaw to eliminate a crossbite, expansion of one or both jaws to create space for teeth that are too tight, early extraction of specific baby teeth to facilitate the proper eruption of permanent teeth. Early (interceptive) orthodontic treatment involves evaluating, treating, and preventing orthodontic problems. A gradual dental treatment that seeks to improve the dental structure of children. Interceptive orthodontics, also known as phase I orthodontics, essentially refers to any situation in which the growth, development, or eruption of teeth are sufficiently outside normal limits that a certain amount of interventional orthodontics is required to restore a sequence normal growth and rash for a developing child.
The interceptive orthodontic healing process can be useful when the dental arches and jaws are not in the correct position. A common situation in which it may be advantageous to consider interceptive orthodontics is when the jaws are not large enough to accommodate all of the permanent teeth. True to its name, it intercepts orthodontic problems in childhood as they get out of control. Not all children who could benefit from orthodontics also need interceptive treatment; however, it could help between 10 and 20 percent of children who come in for evaluation.
Hawley detects certain warning signs, interceptive orthodontics or two-phase orthodontic treatment will be recommended. The objectives of interceptive orthodontics should be clear and concise, with the ultimate goal of reducing complexity, reducing treatment time, or a comprehensive phase of orthodontic treatment. The goal of interceptive orthodontics is to influence the growth and development of the jaws (or other oral structures) in a way that would be more difficult or impossible to do at an older age. Interceptive orthodontics, also known as phase 1 orthodontics, involves early intervention to correct problems such as abnormal bites that develop earlier in life and then develop into lifelong skeletal problems.
Interceptive orthodontics corrects previous problems before they worsen or become impossible to correct when the jaw bones are fully developed. An orthodontic exam, including a panoramic x-ray and a thorough evaluation, is a quick and painless procedure.